Woman You Are Rainbow Cups

Woman You Are Rainbow Cups
24 oz
Motivated by Starbucks Cup (same quality)
Studded Cup W/Straw
*The Butterfly symbol represents new beginnings, and a womb of a woman pregnant with an abundant life, purpose, vision, creativity, determination and more.
The rainbow is a symbol of God's merciful and redemptive kindness. It is accurate to interpret the Hebrew word for "rainbow" as "war bow." The combat bow, the bow of war.
God created the bow in the sky to represent His promise of redemption and to act as a sign of the Noahic covenant. Genesis 9:8–17
In putting His bow in the heavens, the Lord was pointing a symbolic judgmental weapon at Himself.
It represents God hurling His bow of judgment into the heavens to comfort Noah after the conflict has ended and He has created a new world.
"Enjoy the tranquility that exists between you and Me now that there has been a reconciliation. You can be positive that never again will the water become a flood to destroy all flesh.”
-Jonathan Edwards, Sinclair Ferguson, The Bible
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