Woman You Are Poem (English Version)

Woman You Are Poem (English Version)
Have a constant reminder before you of your worth with this original inspirational poem, written by Woman You Are founder, Crystal Carter. Whether framed upon a wall in your home or on your desk at work, stay encouraged always with these beautiful words.
*Poem is sold separately and is also a free gift that comes with your purchase of any “Woman You Are Products. 8x10 frame is not included. If you already have a poem at home bless another woman with one.
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Woman you are fearfully and
wonderfully made
Beautiful you are but never vain
You were not designed to be strong
yet, you are the definition of strength
Woman you are like Mary,
chosen by God to birth forth life.
It is your womb that is needed.
We need you!
You are the nurturer to life.
Woman you are a house that shelters power,
a cocoon for vision,
a vessel that will declare and decree
that the will of God shall be.
You are blessed like Esther,
full of purpose and destined and bound to greatness.
Courage is your name,
equipped with the ability to process pain.
Though you are beautiful
you are never vain.
You may have been mistreated,
not greeted, persecuted, abused,
rejected, unprotected,
misunderstood and unheard.
Life has definitely taken its toll,
but woman of faith,
wilt thou be made whole?
Your life is a testimony
the taste is bitter sweet.
Keep living,
you’re setting the captives free.
Your words of compassion
are healing to the soul,
keeping the young from getting old.
The midwife is needed
to pull many through.
Woman, please continue to do
what you do.
You are a motivator to success.
To love is your mission,
God’s greatest request.
Painted in God’s glory,
God’s finest work.
So trail blaze, woman,
you are blessed!
Woman you are virtuous,
clothed with strength and honor.
Knowledge and wisdom is your scent.
You are powerful and victorious,
trusted by our Creator, walking in favor.
Woman, you fear the Lord,
and you shall be praised.
You are a wife, a mother, daughter, sister,
an aunt, niece, cousin and a friend.
She is you,
chosen by the blood of the Lamb,
created to stand.
Woman you are and woman you will!
By Crystal Carter 2017
Original copy 2011